Eddie's Flattery
A message from Eddie:
Bluefire288: so i heard on the news that women who have bad pms have great memories, and i thought of you
My Home Fry always knows just the right thing to say to flatter me so. Such a charmer.
John Norton & I recorded our podcast last night; it'll hopefully be on iTunes soon. The website for it is http://metrobuzz.blogspot.com. The MySpace is www.myspace.com/metrobuzzpodcast. I'll keep everyone posted. I've been buckling like CRAZY trying to find a "real job," so I'm mega-mega-stressed out right now, on minimum sleep & have only an hour to get a whole bunch of shit done before I have to leave for craptastic Ann Taylor Factory Outlet. Naturally, I'm procrastinating by doing this post. I rock.
At 1:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
We all know that PMS stands for pre-marital sex and I've had so much of it with Colleen that I can't even see straight anymore.
We all also know that PMS stands for passionate monkey sex and Colleen makes me swing from heights that I'd never thought I'd reach while beating my cheast and producing hoarse jungle roars.
We all know that PMS can also stand for potty mouth sex. Yeah, Colleen can make me curse like a sailor when she pulls out all the right moves when the time comes for anchors aweigh.
PMS, it is fabled, also stands for pre-meditated sex. Nothing turns me on than when Colleen stakes out my daily schedule, hides behind a brick wall in a trenchcoat, hat and sunglasses, and then waits for me to walk home from school when she'll jump out and flash me, which not surprisingly will result in, well..sex.
PMS is also understood as...well, I'll stop here. I've could've gone all the way to post-mortem sex, where Colleen ravages my cold, hard, dead body (we all know she wouldn't be able to resist), but we'll just save that for our imaginations, now shall we?*
*I feel like I'm channelling Princess Assface Cupcake here.
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