Ramblings of a Long Island Girl.

Satirical. Inappropriate. Sometimes crude. Bitchy. Rambling. You know how I do.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

An Apple a Day

November 30, 2008. 11:30pm.

I finally purchased a Macbook after almost a year of computer problems.  I didn't get one of the new aluminum ones (way way cool but a little too expensive), but I got the white one and I'm really excited.  I think it was one year ago this week that I was staying with Jay at his school for the week and he tried to start the Mac attack slowly by having me use his laptop while I was there, but I finally jumped on the Apple Bandwagon over the last two months that I have been using John's iBook.  So...yay!  No more external speakers and half-working external microphones and clumsy external webcam hookups and terrible sound quality when recording podcasts!


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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November in a Paragraph (or Two)

I know I've gone MI-blogging-A the last month, but I've had nothing really interesting to say. Went to Raleigh for two fabulous weekends in a row. Dog sat for my aunt last week. Workin'. Seeing movies (Loved Zack & Miri Make a Porno and Role Models, really liked Quantum of Solace). Finally finished all 4 books of the Twilight series - I hated Bella right until the very end where she got a lot more tolerable, but over all really enjoyed the second and third parts of Breaking Dawn actually. I think Eclipse and Breaking Dawn kept me interested because the stories branched out to other characters and not just Bella self-loathing and pining about Edward, which made me question how anyone could ever let their young daughters read books with such a terrible role model for a heroine. Now I'm continuing my decline into geek by reading Harry, A History by Melissa Anelli. I think it's quite fascinating though. Hung out with Ian and the newly engaged Joe Matero & Steph (and her rock). Met up with Julia, Amanda & Topher this past weekend and saw the Mepham High School's version of Dracula, which was directed by my Home Fry himself, Eddie. That's about it.

Anyway, the last month really has flown by, which is why I've had nothing interesting to really say haha. Although Jay did get me into Chuck this past month and it's awesome. Definitely check out that show (Season 2 is on hulu.com and I haven't seen Season 1 yet but it's not hard to follow at all). Anyways, I should get to work. I have to work this Friday even though only one doctor will be in, so Jay & I won't get to spend Thanksgiving together, which is a major bummer. Hopefully the next few weeks go by quickly, since we won't see each other again 'til Dec 13 when we go to California for the weekend. I'll probably get all whiney before then though.

To conclude this energized post, here's a funny cartoon from the New York Post. Dedicated to all my Mets fan friends out there:

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