Ramblings of a Long Island Girl.

Satirical. Inappropriate. Sometimes crude. Bitchy. Rambling. You know how I do.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Sign of the Beaver

Thanks to my dear cuz Paul who gave me the heads up on this controversial commercial that's airing in Australia:

P.S. The John Mayer Rumor of the Day:

John Mayer likes to play 'Chubby Bunny' with tampons instead of marshmallows.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

South of the Booooorderrrrrrr!!!

Jay & I finally hit up South of the Border. I've been begging him to take me there since I discovered that his college is only 20 minutes from there. But yes, it's just as ghetto as rumored to be. We were trying to locate Mexican food, but the food at South of the Border looked like it was baaaaad news. Since our last NYC-Mexican-food-adventure did not end well the next day, we've earned the right to be picky. So we drove back to North Carolina and around for like 45 minutes before we found a decent Mexican restaurant.

Oh and I've finally now seen Back to the Future - all three parts. Why it took me 24 years is beyond me, but I'm happy to report that I love them.

Below are a few lame pictures from South of the Border, just to try to convey the initial glee at seeing it, before the realization sets in that that's basically the entire thing to really get excited about. However, it's free and 15 minutes from Jay's school, so it was totally worth it. There's a video that Jay took without me knowing it of me trying to get on that dinosaur to take the last picture, which was an adventure in of itself. I kept sliding off of it; it was so funny.

Yes, this is the real sign.

Pedro welcomes us.

Jay and Pedro, straight chillin'

They had dinosaurs South of the Border?


And finally, for your John Mayer Rumor of the Day:

John Mayer likes to eat Raisin Bran with strawberry-flavored Clorox Bleach instead of milk.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dear John Mayer

"It is true about the moving."
-Jay Glatfelter, Sunday, March 23, 11:16pm.
Stay tuned to the end of this post & you'll see what he's talking about.

Anyways, today's Page Six said, "THAT John Mayer is so self-obsessed, he Googles himself every morning, and has been known to respond to online rumors just to clear the air." Soooo John, if your Google picks up on this blog post, then now that I've got your attention, let me ask you if you'd like to really slum it with the little people and be a guest on a wonderful podcast about news, entertainment and pop-culture. It's called MetroBuzz and you're allowed to say "fuck" on it and talk about new & improved methods or variations of the now infamous-though-still-completely-unappealing-to-me-sexual-act of "Superman dat ho." You should email me at the show's email - MetroBuzz@gmail.com - and appear on our show to clear up the following rumor that I'm going to spread right here, on this little blog that no one but my boyfriend reads because it's part of his job:

John Mayer likes to eat pickles & drink Brooklyn egg creams while riding his bicycle with no hands and - gasp! - NO HELMET!!!

Moving on, here's the video that was promised about 2 paragraphs up:

Happy Easter everyone!!

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bye, Bye, Spyware

I don't have any more Spyware and we were able to salvage most of the music and pictures and documents and all that, so that's good I guess. But somehow my videos didn't copy, so I lost a lot of Marist ones and I'm really really bummed out about that :( :( :(

Anyway, I have no idea how many people really actually read this thing or whatever - I think that it's about 6 or 7 - but I'd kinda like to do some sort of interactive posts. Like a game or caption or something that everyone enters in the comments. I don't know, something. Blogger asks people for questions and you have to answer it as part of your profile. Maybe something like that? Jay thought it'd be cool if I took a page out of the guy who called into MetroBuzz with a love letter his friend had gotten from her cousin, just because it was so priceless. Have people send in love notes they found or that they want to anonymously say. That'd be kinda fun too.

Anyone out there wanna play? Tell your friends! I need a hobby...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Adventures in Spyware!

Spyware sucks. I got a nasty case of it last night right before Lost started & spent all freaking night trying to get rid of it, including buying some stupid program that Anthony recommended with money I definitely do not have (grrrr). Nothing's working and I keep getting lovely pop-ups (I think my first thought this morning was, "Wow that girl has to have A LOT of space in her mouth to fit that. Somebody get me some popcorn and a notebook...") and lots of great security warnings, all of which are a part of the virus. [Actually, given the explicit nature of some of these pop-ups, I was wondering if the Trojan virus that has infected my computer is not actually named after the famous horse but rather named for the contraceptive. Because I'm sure that my computer would definitely be rockin' some herpes or the clap by now.]

All my passwords have been changed on another computer; cookies, Internet history, cache, etc. have been deleted. I had to drive all the way back to Astoria from the 'rents house on Long Island tonight so I can meet up with Anthony on the Upper West Side at 9-freaking-am so he can completely restore my entire system. I think the only person happy about this is Jay since he's been begging me to let him do that to this piece of shit Dell that doesn't even get sound anymore (thanks Cal for making me bring my laptop into the office every single day for an entire year but getting everyone else laptops for work!). Meh I want a Macbook.

Soooo I may or may not have a computer ever again, depending on if Anthony is as good as he says he is. Everyone please pray that he's as good as he says he is or I'm going to freak out just a little bit.

Oh on a side note - if you're going to create Spyware, may I suggest 1) to go fuck yourself & then let Santa Claus rape your mother or 2) learning how to use proper spelling. If a "System Alert" pops up telling me to click this 'baloon' in order to "download malware removal software," it's pretty much a dead giveaway to not go click and download even more Spyware. You make thousands of dollars, maybe even millions to ruin people's lives - I'm sure you can invest in a dictionary or go to dictionary.com.

Here's the picture of what I see on my screen every time I open a new broswer. WARNING for everyone else. I think it gets bigger if you click to enlarge it.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thanks, TalkShoe!

As you may or may not have seen in the comment section of my previous post, TalkShoe VP Aaron Hauser left me an apology. I also had someone point out after hearing John & I talk about this on MetroBuzz that because it's free, we can't hold them too accountable - and reassured me that everyone there had a great time regardless.

I have honestly been meaning to post a follow-up to that post and say that TalkShoe did indeed make a donation to Autism Speaks earlier this week. Thank you for the apology, Aaron, and to Dave Nelson, the Founder & CEO of TalkShoe, for making a donation to a good cause. I truly appreciate both gestures. I do love your site and have had great fun participating on live podcasts on it.

Thanks again to everyone who came by and donated!

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Talkshoe Wouldn't Let Autism Speak Today

After months and months of planning, my boyfriend Jay and his dad Jack of "The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack" had their 25-hour-marathon live podcast. It started yesterday (Saturday March 15) at 3:30pm & was scheduled to end today (Sunday March 16) at 4:30pm. They were raising money for the charity Autism Speaks. I followed along the donations that were made to PayPal and all in all, they raised $2,625 (and counting!). I was there for the entire time, minus an hour and a half it took me to drive home to my parents house. I've been awake since 8:30am yesterday morning. It is now 10:36pm.

The show started off with the Married Man Podcast, a podcast about relationships, etc. that Jack does with his friend Dale. It's hilarious. After MMP, Lost star Jorge Garcia (Hurley) stopped by for a good 3 or 4 hours. However, the company that was hosting the live podcast, Talkshoe, had issues (as usual it seems) & poor Jorge was left waiting for almost an hour til we could get it started again. Jorge ROCKS though & after the guys were done deciding who the Top 10 Coolest, Toughest Guys in Movie History are (I think Han Solo won in the end), he spent a while answering questions from fans. Talkshoe allows people to participate in big group calls or podcasts. You have one administrator (in this case Jay) who can mute or unmute anyone who is there in the chatroom with a microphone. I asked a question; Jorge, Jack & I made fun of Jay. It was grreeaaattt.

The rest of the 25 hours was filled with other awesome guests, such as Ryan & Jen Ozawa from The Transmission podcast, Jimmy Aquino from Comic News Insider podcast (he's the guy responsible for Jay & I meeting Michael Emerson), Ralph from the Dharmalars/'Lars & Cue the Music podcast (for a good 5 hours, including while I was driving, so I didn't even miss much of it lol), and a whole lot of other Lost podcasters such as Kurt from Black Rock, Josh from Josh Meister, and a lot of others whose names I feel genuinely terrible about not remembering at this 40-straight-hour of consciousness. Our good friend Clif was on. John Norton & I were set up to at the end, from 3-4pm. Lost actor Daniel Dae Kim (Jin) was going to go after us from 4-4:40pm. I know, right? FUCKING AWESOME! Jay and I were looking forward to a MetroBuzz meets Jay and Jack verses segment (we were all going to take one of the Indiana Jones movies and debate which was best, then leave voting open to the public). Seriously, we were so excited for it, especially since we both had been up and involved for the entire show. The only thing more perfect for us than such a FUN way to end such a tedious event was for Daniel Dae Kim to show up and talk. Oh yeah, wow, cool. Look at that. DDK was going to. He had only from 4-4:30pm to talk because he has such a busy schedule filming Lost now to make up for the time lost during the WGA strike. But awesome of awesome, he was still willing to do it. HOLLER.

Guess what? At 3pm, JUST as John & I were about to call in and record, Talkshoe, which had been running adequately since the Jorge Garcia event 18 hours before, decided to COMPLETELY CRAP OUT. Not just a "malfunction" but a total crash that they called an "error in their coding" that would be fixed within 30-60 minutes.

It was not fixed within 30-60 minutes. Everyone in the chat room waiting for us to start was so patient and wonderful. It was stressful to not know what was going on, to have no control over the situation, to know what was at stake. Daniel Dae Kim (and I call him that bc I have never spoken with him; I call Jorge by his first name because I have now officially spoken with him one time lol) was so gracious to continue trying to access the chat room until his free time was up. We waited from 3pm until 5pm to no avail. Talkshoe never went back up and Norton & I never got our chance to play with Jay and Jack. Jay & I were so disappointed that we never got to do that section together after using that as the way to get through the rough 25 hours to stay awake & sane. I was really excited to do the live show and interact with everyone. I hope that Daniel Dae Kim doesn't think badly of them because the issue was TALKSHOE'S FAULT, NOT THEIRS.

That's the thing. Talkshoe sucks. They're a company that, according to their website, "a new way to create live group calls, conversations, discussions and interactive podcasts." Basically, Talkshoe markets themselves as a company that specifically caters to large groups. Jay & Jack's Autism Speaks podcasting marathon was a big deal. It was "official." The charity knew that it was happening and expected donations as a result. Talkshoe let us all down with its numerous service errors. As a result of these errors, Autism Speaks suffered. The errors resulted in a loss of donations from potential listeners who were turned off by the lack of the interactive podcast that is the main aspect of Talkshoe's service.

Here's what I propose to all those who participated in Jay and Jack's live marathon podcast and to anyone who is a supporter of Autism Speaks. Let's start a campaign to get Talkshoe to rectifiy their mistakes by donating money to Autism Speaks. This will make up for the loss of time and donations that the charity suffered as a result of THEIR continually technical issues.

Make blog posts, comments on a website, or email a complaint to Talkshoe at support@talkshoe.com. This may not seem like it, but to anyone who was involved in this event, it really was a big deal to us & Talkshoe has let us down completely. Urge them to make a donation to make up for the donations that were lost because of them.

If you'd like to make a donation to Autism Speaks, you can do it through PayPal, by sending it to LPDonate@gmail.com OR you can send checks made out to Autism Speaks to the following address:

P.O. Box 40716
Raleigh NC. 27629

Thanks. Hopefully we can do something. The theme of this weekend seems to be making a difference in lots of different ways. And thank you to everyone who came by during the 25-hours and helped Jay & Jack raise $2,625 electronically. Can't wait to see the total number after the checks come in :)

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